Adult KEC Administrative Information

This is the KEC Administrative Information section.

Changes in this section will document client transfers, disenrollments and changes in the clients program. Be very careful in entering information in this section as just entering a provider number or date can generate a new program etc.






Key Event Changes (KEC) are completed when there is a change to client's current life situation. When completing a KEC, you will only need to fill out the section pertaining to the changes in your client's life. If your client graduated from a community college, you will need to completed the Educational Setting section only and not the whole form. Often when your client's life situation changes, it may affect two areas of their life that can be recorded on a single KEC. An example is when your client is arrested and jailed, you can complete both the legal and living arrangement section on the KEC. Keep in mind that you will complete a KEC each time a change occurs. Therefore, when your client is released from jail, you will need to complete a new KEC, indicating that he/she is out of jail and is living in a new placement.


Very early on in training, users were instructed to complete the entire KEC if they were transferring a client, receiving a transferred client, disenrolling or reestablishing a client in FSP.    Since 2008, the training content was updated and completing the entire KEC was no longer recommended.   It is imperative that all changes are reported as they happen with the status change date associated with the change.     When a client is transferring, disenrolling, it is important to ensure all statuses have been updated prior to doing the transfer or disenrollment KEC.    When reestablishing a client it is important to report all changes that occurred while client was away from the partnership, with the associated dates of those changes.   



Administrative Information


Please complete all information on this section. Partnership Services Coordinator is the person in your agency who is responsible for the data that is inputted into that clients OMA. This person will be contacted when the data is in question.


Change in Administrative Information


This part of the KEC is used to document changes when the client is transfered to a new provider number or FSP service coordinator and the date of those changes.


New FSP Program

This is used when your client is changing from one program to another such as from FSP-TAY to FSP-adult. Make sure you have received approval by Countywide FSP administration for enrollment, disenrollment or transfer before you change your client's program.


In Which Program(s) Is The Client Currently Inovlved?

Report any changes in your client's invovlement in these programs.


Indicate New Partnership Status Change

Check the appropriate box whether the client has terminated FSP services or if the client is re-estabilishing FSP services after being away from FSP for less than 12 months. Fill in the date of status change. Be mindful that you will need Countywide FSP Administration's approval for disenolling or re-enrolling of a client in FSP.


DISCONTINUATION / INTERRUPTION of Full Service Partnership and/or community services / program

The State wants to know why the client is leaving FSP services, so check the reason that most accurately representes  the reason the client is leaving services. 


Go forward to Adult KEC Living Arrangements 


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