Children Living Arrangements






For each of the following RESIDENTIAL TYPE categories, you need to either enter the data or check the appropriate boxes corresponding to:

-the "from" and "to" dates for each occurrence and total number of days for that 1 occurrence;

-where the partner will be "tonight" (where will they will be at 11:59 PM tonight);

-where the partner was "yesterday" (as of 11:59PM the day BEFORE the partnership );

--and indicate whether the client ever resided in that residential type anytime in their life prior to a year before the partnership date.


Do you have a question about the definition of a Residential Type? Check our list of Residential Types.


If you're filling in the form, try this Date Calculator (Make sure you include the end date in calculation!)



Each possibile living arrangement only appears once on the paper forms. In the computer application these different living arrangements are part of a drop-down menu, so you can enter different incidents of the same type of living arrangement very easily. On the forms, you will need to use the "blank" sheet seen below.


BLANK Overflow Page



Below are some other notes on Living Arrangements...




"Is client at risk of being removed from their CURRENT living arrangement?"

A "yes" indicates that there is a more than 50% chance that client will be removed from current living arrangement in the next thirty days.


"Is client's CURRENT living arrangement suitable? (According to the clinician/FSP Team)"The client's health and welfare needs are generally being met in the environment. This question refers to the client's current living arrangement.


"Is the CURRENT living arrangement the least restrictive? (According to the clinican/FSP Team)"

This question is asking if the current placement the least restrictive living arrangement that can generally meet the client's health and welfare needs. This question refers to the client's current living arrangement.


"Is the client satisfied with CURRENT living arrangement?"

Does the client express general satisfaction with where they are currently living?


"Have there been suspected Dependent Adult Abuse reports made related to living arrangements IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS?"

This relates to their living arrangements over the past 12 months. Have there been any reports of suspected elderly/dependent adult abuse made relative to where the client was residing during the last 12 months?


"Have there been Suspected Child Abuse Reports made related to living arrangements IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS?"

This relates to their living arrangements over the past 12 months. Have there been any reports of suspected child abuse made relative to where the client was residing during the last 12 months?


"Have there been incidents of violence related to living arrangements IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS?"

Examples: domestic violence that does not necessarily result in domestic violence reports, verbal and emotional conflict between various members of the household (not necessarily the client), living environment is generally unsafe and unstable. The time period this question refers to is over the last 12 months prior to partnership.


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