Questions? Problems?
For policy questions or help with training issues you can always email us at, or check out our Key Staff Roster.
If you have a technical issue with the PEI OMA Application, call the Help Desk: 213-351-1335 ~ Available M-F, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
***ATTENTION*** The New Outcomes page is available HERE. Please visit our new page for the same great information related to PEI, FSP and EPSDT.
Update 4/15/20 - For guidance on administering outcomes measures remotely please click here. The Quality, Outcomes and Training Division is aware of the challenges currently facing providers with respect to collecting outcomes data. We understand and appreciate your resolve when it comes to administering instruments at the beginning, during pre-defined intervals and conclusion of services or a particular intervention.
Please keep the following terms of use in mind regarding instruments:
- Some of instruments are copyrighted, and cannot be reproduced or recreated without reference to or explicit permission from the developer/publisher. Some of the instruments cannot be reproduced or recreated at all, per guidelines from the developer. Additionally, some of the instruments are priced per copy, and therefore every copy needs to be accounted for and a limited number of copies are provided at any given time. You may NOT make your own copies of those instruments. Continue to contact us to request outcome measures as needed.
- Whether you have hard copies or electronic versions of a specific instrument, the intellectual property and Protected Health Information (PHI) must be safeguarded. This means ensuring privacy during data collection, as with all telehealth activities and maintaining test security by locking away all physical copies of the instrument and password protecting or encrypting electronic versions.
- Only users who have been trained should administer outcomes. Please use the referenced quick guides to re-familiarize yourself with the instruments on which you have already been trained, and continue to contact us at with questions about the instruments.
- Those who administer outcomes must describe any changes to the mode of administration and consider the impact this has on test data/validity/reliability etc. Please continue to follow your agencies’ guidelines for documentation and service delivery during these unique times.
For all new PEI treatment cycles starting on or after July 1, 2019, we will no longer collect the general measures YOQ, YOQ-SR and OQ for most practices. The only exceptions to this are with Stepped Care and CORS for which the OQ will still be collected and Functional Family Therapy’s (FFT) outcome measures will remain unchanged. We will still collect outcome measures that target the specific focus of treatment for the EBPs. All PEI clients will still need to be entered into PEI OMA so that treatment cycle information like start and end dates, practice completion, and disposition can still be captured and reported on.
Starting July 1, 2018, the Prevention Bureau has rolled out the outcomes data collection protocol for several MHSA prevention programs that will require the completion of surveys that assess a decrease in risk factors and an increase in protective factors and gathers state required demographic information. For more information and to access these surveys, please visit the Prevention Program Surveys page.
Starting November 2, 2015, MHSA Implementation and Outcomes Division will be hosting a series of webinar booster trainings on updated DSM-5 versions of trauma measures. For information on trainings and instructions on how to get these measures (PTSD-RI-5, PCL-5), please visit the DSM-5 Trauma Measures page.
On February 9, 2015, PEI OMA Version 1.5 was released to collect data for MAP, TF-CBT, and Triple P. For more information, please visit the CIBHS (formerly CiMH) page.
On December 23, 2014, MHSA Implementation and Outcomes Division’s PEI team released the inaugural issue of “A Closer Look”, a publication that dives into the wonderful world of outcome measures. For more information please visit the PEI Publication page.
On January 6, 2014, Debbie Innes-Gomberg released a major announcement about the end of CiMH services related to collecting Outcomes for Triple P, MAP and TF-CBT for PEI-funded clients. Read that memo here: CiMH PEI Data Memo.pdf.
On May 1, 2013, DMH added several EBPs and assessments to the PEI OMA. Check out this PEI OMA News page to learn more.
On June 28th, 2012, DMH rolled out the MHIP (Mental Health Integration Program) as an EBP in the PEI OMA. For more information on this, please see the special PEI MHIP page.
The PEI Outcome Measures Application is improving! DMH is currently developing both Phase II and Phase III of the PEI OMA. Phase II will include various changes and fixes. Phase III will include the new PEI OMA Reports.
For the latest on changes (including technical notes) please see our PEI OMA News page.
Clinicians or clinical team members that will be administering, scoring or interpreting the PEI outcome questionnaires are the target audience for these trainings. We recommend EBP Leads, EBP Supervisors, and/or QA Research unit staff persons attend. Training on outcome questionnaires is required for all PEI EBPs.
Click on the following link for CIBHS (formerly CiMH) Webinar Recordings
PEI Data Entry Training is intended for agency personnel who are responsible for entering PEI outcomes data in PEI OMA but EBP Leads, Supervisors, Data Entry Supervisors QA and Research staff persons may find the training helpful in developing strategies to ensure data entry is done correctly.
If you are working with Mental Health Integrated Program (MHIP), you will need to sign up for this training.
Forms, Guides and Support
PEI Outcomes Forms, Guides, and Supports are available on our Outcomes page.
Looking for some help and advice with PEI Data Entry? Click here for info on the OMA Lab.
Admin and Data Entry Staff should consider signing up for PEI Alert. To sign up, submit a request by email at
PEI Practice Learning Networks
Participants in the PEI Practice Learning Networks will have opportunities to review countywide and their clinic specific data, discuss implementation successes and challenges, talk about clinical fidelity and drift, as well as, lessons learned along the way. Additionally, at the heart of the Learning Network experience, Providers are able to share solution-focused strategies and to put forward provider-driven technical assistance.
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