First 5 LA PCIT Webpage on DMH Website
Frequently Asked Questions - F5LA PCIT OMA SPECIFIC
1) Can we enter two sets of measures reported by each parent/caregiver?
A clinician may have two sets of each outcome measures from each parent/caregiver. But, the parent who is primarily in treatment with the child should be the one that is entered in to the OMA system.
2) Can the TSCYC be entered later during treatment if a child is 2 years old at the time of the intake date?
No, the TSCYC will be disabled if a child is 2 years old upon the start of PCIT treatment.
3) TSCYC scores are not accepted when entered into the system, what should I do?
Be sure that the entries are in the correct order i.e. Raw Scores are all listed on the left side and the T scores are listed on the right. They are not listed in the same order as the OMA system.
4) Can the format for the TSCYC worksheet be changed?
An attempt to adjust this would be problematic for many since the worksheets have already been available to hundreds of F5LA PCIT users.
5) Can I enter the PSI before the CDI met - mid of treatment date?
Yes, you are able to enter the PSI any time between the beginning and end of treatment.
6) If I am transferring a client from First 5 LA funding to PEI funding, which outcome measures do I give?
If a client is open under First 5 LA funding, then the First 5 LA outcome measures should be administered at the beginning, middle (when CDI goals are met) and end of treatment regardless of funding source. All First 5 LA outcome measures should be entered in the First 5 LA OMA.
Example: A client is open under First 5 LA funding to receive PCIT in May and given beginning of treatment measures. In July the client will receive mid-treatment/update measures but the funding source is now PEI. The client will receive First 5 LA measures in order for the data to be valid. Thus, the measures the client receives at intake, will be the measures they receive throughout treatment and at closing.
7) My client is 1 year old at the date of the intake assessment, but started PCIT treatment after they turned 2. How can I enter them in the OMA if a child needs to be 2 to be eligible for PCIT?
The Intake Date on the worksheet should match the date of the first PCIT session as the client turns 2.
8) I have entered pre-treatment outcome measures, but I am not able to enter the CDI met date and am not able to move forward to mid treatment. What should I do?
Check that all the measures have been inputted. A Reason for "Unable to Collect" must be indicated even if a clinician does not administer an outcome measure for pre, mid, and post. There should not be any blanks on the worksheets for all the outcome measures. For example, no trauma was reported so the clinician did not administer the TSCYC. The number 16 is the reason for “Unable to Collect” (No known trauma -TSCYC not required) should be indicated and must be inputted into the system for pre, mid, and post treatment.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Amber Cárdenas, LCSW
Psychiatric Social Worker II
Family & Community Partnerships/Child PEI
LAC DMH Children's System of Care
600 S. Commonwealth Ave, 6th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: (213) 739-5432
County Cell Phone: (213) 507-2960
Fax: (213) 252-0235
Outcomes Assessment Forms and Screens
Download the Paper Forms
First 5 LA PCIT OMA Worksheet-Beg. of TX.pdf
First 5 LA PCIT OMA Worksheet -Update.pdf
First 5 LA PCIT OMA Worksheet -Mid of TX.pdf
First 5 LA PCIT OMA Worksheet-End of TX.pdf
Timeline for Outcome Measures.pdf
First 5 PCIT ECBI Quick Guide.pdf
First 5 PCIT SESBI-R Quick Guide.pdf
First 5 PCIT PSI Quick Guide.pdf
First 5 PCIT TSCYC Quick Guide.pdf
OMA Scoring Sheets.pdf
OMA Dictionary.pdf
First 5 LA PCIT Supplemental User Manual on pages 81-123 in the OMA Manual
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